Monday, May 21, 2007

Lunch on the Run

Running magazines are full of suggestions on how busy working runners fit running into their hectic schedules. A common suggestion to the dilemma is the lunch-time run. In theory, I like this idea. I wouldn’t have to wake-up at 4:30 am. I wouldn’t have to run half-exhausted just before bed-time. Here’s the problem: I don’t have a shower facility where I work. I know that some runners go to the gym and run on the treadmill. Like many runners, however, I don’t have a gym membership and have little use for one either. So to go running during my lunch hour, I would need to then change out of my running clothes, run, and then change back into my work clothes without the benefit of a shower.

Like most of you, I sweat when I run. I don’t sweat profusely but I do sweat. Working in a professional office environment, it seems somewhat unprofessional to walk around the office the rest of the day looking (and perhaps smelling) like I’ve just run. I would love for my employer or landlord to install shower facilities in my office building. Unfortunately, this is not likely to happen. Some potential solutions may involve the use of my children’s wet wipes or only running when the temperature is less than say 70 degrees.

I would love to hear some thoughts and suggestions on this dilemma

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